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Webinar & Program Launching Master of Social Science In Development Studies Smart and Sustainable Development

Bandung, 12 July 2024 – Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) is proud to announce the launch of the new concentration “Smart and Sustainable City Development” in the Master of Social Sciences (MIS) Study Program. This program is the result of collaboration with the ASECH Center of Excellence in Smart City and aims to face the challenges of smart and sustainable city development. The launch event which was held at Mgr Geise Lecture Theatre, UNPAR Bandung, from 15.00 to 17.00 WIB was open to the public and attended by experts from academics, practitioners and the government. This event was also broadcast via the UNPAR Official YouTube channel Collaboration with ASECH Indonesia and discussions with experts revealed the need for a better understanding of the smart city concept, especially for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Therefore, this concentration is designed to increase practitioners’ knowledge and skills in smart city development.

Program Structure

This concentration includes a variety of courses specifically designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concept and implementation of smart and sustainable cities. Some key courses include:

  1. Introduction to Smart and Sustainable Cities (Introduction to Smart and Sustainable Cities)

  2. Urban Socio-Economics and Development (Urban Socio-Economics and Development)

  3. Policy Analysis for Smart and Sustainable Cities (Policy Analysis for Smart and Sustainable Cities)

  4. Smart Infrastructure and Sustainable Development (Smart Infrastructure and Sustainable Development)

  5. Urban Data Analytics for Decision Making (Urban Data Analytics and Decision Making)

Concentration Program: Smart and Sustainable City Development

  1. The need for sustainable smart city development

  2. Developing quality public services based on smart city goals

  3. Competent as a sustainable development agent by emphasizing smart city principles

  4. Building collaboration by integrating all stakeholders in realizing a smart city

  5. Initiate, create and implement smart city design policies

This program includes 54 credits which are usually completed in two years, but with the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program, the duration can be accelerated to one year. Classes are held hybrid and remotely, supported by leading academics and practitioners, and equipped with comprehensive field studies. With a concentration on “Smart and Sustainable City Development,” UNPAR aims to produce graduates who are able to contribute significantly to the development of smart cities in Indonesia. This program is expected to be the first step towards a better and more sustainable future for urban communities.

For further information regarding this program, please contact the PMB UNPAR service via:

website :


hotline: 08157010000 (WA Chat Only).

Article by: Nisrina Nur Arifa

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