You are currently viewing Open Discussion and Interactive Dialogue of the Smart City Ecosystem of ASECH Indonesia and the Ministry of Home Affairs

Open Discussion and Interactive Dialogue of the Smart City Ecosystem of ASECH Indonesia and the Ministry of Home Affairs

Indonesia is on track to strengthen the implementation of Smart City in various
urban areas. However, the success of this initiative depends heavily on the synergy between
various stakeholders, including the central government, local governments, sectors
private sector, and society. ASECH Indonesia, as the Center of Excellence on Smart City,
plays an important role in facilitating in-depth dialogue between the relevant parties in order to
ensure effective, inclusive and sustainable Smart City implementation.

Event Goals and Focus

This event, organized by ASECH Indonesia, aims to strengthen collaboration.
Pentahelix between central government, local government, private sector, academics, and
community in the development of Smart City. In addition, this event also aims to
identify the main challenges in implementing Smart City policies at the level
urban, sharing experiences and best practices in urban management
sustainable, exploring partnership opportunities between the government and the private sector, and
develop policy recommendations and strategies for implementing Smart City more effectively in
various regions in Indonesia.

Sessions and Speakers

The event was opened with remarks from representatives of ASECH Indonesia and the Directorate General of Administration.
Urban Sub-Directorate Territoriality. Furthermore, the event continued with a presentation session from the
Smart City ecosystem partners, which include urban development policies and strategies
sustainable. Some of the keynote speakers in this session are:

  • Mr. Dr. Drs. Amran MT – Acting Director General of Adwil, Ministry of Home Affairs

  • Mr. Gensly – Senior Expert in Urban Policy, Ministry of Home Affairs

  • Mrs. Erike B Malonda – CEO of ASECH Indonesia

  • Mr. Alwis Rustam – Executive Director of APEKSI

  • Mr. Heri Sutrisno – General Chairman of PPTI

  • Mr. Fanky Christian – Secretary General of APTIKNAS

  • Mr. Teddy Sukardi – Chairman of IKTII

  • Mr. Yulius Purwadi – PACIS

  • Mr. Johannes Anhorn – GIZ Indonesia

  • Mrs. Christine Halim – General Chairperson of ADUPI

  • Mr. Alex Ludi – WANTRI (Indonesian Industry Digital Transformation Council)

  • Mr. Cecep Hidayat – ISR (Indonesia Strategic Research)

  • Mr. Rony Hidayat – PT Napindo Media Ashatama

Discussion Panel: Smart City Challenges and Opportunities

After the presentation session, the event continued with a panel discussion that discussed the challenges and
opportunities in implementing Smart City in Indonesia. This discussion is a forum for exchanging
ideas, identify key challenges, and explore possible collaboration opportunities.
support the development of Smart City in the future.

Closing and Recommendations

The event was closed with the delivery of a summary of the discussion results and recommendations for policy.
A more effective Smart City in the future. The closing was delivered by the representative of the Directorate General
Urban Sub-Directorate Territorial Administration. The meeting was closed with the conclusion that
collaboration between various parties is very necessary to realize the vision of Indonesia 2045, in
where all cities in Indonesia are expected to become smart cities. Concrete steps
The proposed mapping includes mapping of all urban areas in Indonesia, the formation of a team
specifically to ensure urban management, and the preparation of strategic steps
which can be implemented in various regions.

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