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Business To Government (B2G) Sunset Working Forum

Bali, 21 May 2024 – ASECH Center of Excellence on Smart City Indonesia collaborates with TEPANAS (Teman Parekraf Nasional) and The Empowering Voice to hold a Business to Government (B2G) Sunset Networking event with the theme “Sustainable Collaboration.” The event, which was held on May 21 2024, aims to commemorate the 10th World Water Forum and also bring together stakeholders from the government and business sectors in in-depth discussions regarding the development of smart cities and sustainable management of tourism areas.

Three Main Topics Discussed in the Event

  1. Development of the Metropolitan Area: Solution-Based Concept for the Development of Jatinangor – Digital Knowledge City. This discussion was moderated by Mr. Dr. Herman Suyatman, M.Si, Regional Secretary of West Java Province, who discussed innovative solutions to advance Jatinangor as a digital-based knowledge center.
  2. Smart City Development: Sustainable Management Efficiency in Bitung – A Pluralist, Digitally Integrated City. The second theme presents the Mayor of Bitung, Mr. Ir. Maurits Mantiri, MM, he explained the strategy for developing Bitung as a smart city that is pluralistic and digitally integrated. This discussion highlights Bitung’s efforts to increase the efficiency of sustainable city management through technology and digital innovation.
  3. Tourism Area Management: Best Practices in Tourism Area Management. The third theme focuses on best practices in managing tourism areas, with DR Putu Agung Prianta, B. Eng (Hons), MA, President Director of the Jimbaran Hijau Area. He shared experiences and successful strategies in managing sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism areas, making Jimbaran an example worth emulating.


This event was also attended by various government leaders from various related ministries and institutions, including the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs, the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, and the Indonesian National Planning Agency. The presence of representatives from APEKSI, West Java Province, Sumedan Regency and Bitung City. adding weight to the discussion which is expected to produce real solutions for regional development.


Apart from that, this event which is supported by VSI from South Korea, Devoteam and Perumda Air Bitung City is a gathering place Government Leaders And Business Leaders from domestic and foreign companies. This event provides a golden opportunity for business people to establish strategic partnerships with the government and other stakeholders.


Article by: Nisrina Nur Arifa

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