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Bali Blockchain Summit 2024 Panel Discussion – The Future of Public Infrastructure and Smart Cities in the Era of Decentralization

At the Bali Blockchain Summit 2024, the panel discussion that attracted many participants was the session discussing “The Future of Public Infrastructure and Smart Cities in the Era of Decentralization”. This panel featured a number of important figures who have key roles in the development of technology, public infrastructure, and smart cities in Indonesia.


  1. Herman Suryatman – Regional Secretary of West Java Province.

    Herman Suryatman brings perspectives from local government, particularly in the application of decentralized technology to improve public infrastructure and public services in West Java Province. His experience in bureaucracy provides insights into how local governments can leverage blockchain and smart city technology to accelerate digital transformation.

  2. I Nyoman Adhiarna – Secretary of the Directorate General of Informatics Applications, Ministry of Communication and Informatics.
    I Nyoman Adhiarna, who is involved in the development of informatics applications in Indonesia, spoke about the role of the central government in encouraging the adoption of blockchain technology in the public sector. He highlighted the importance of adaptive regulations and government support in creating a technology ecosystem that supports decentralization.

  3. I Gede Putu Rahman Desyanta – CEO of Baliola & Founder of Mandala Chain.

    As an industry player, I Gede Putu Rahman Desyanta provides a perspective on blockchain innovation and applications in the business world. Through Mandala Chain, he explains how this technology can be applied to improve efficiency and transparency in public infrastructure management.

  4. Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda – President Director of PT Peruri Digital Security.

    Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda focused his discussion on the digital security aspect, which is a crucial factor in the application of blockchain technology for public infrastructure and smart cities. He emphasized the importance of digital security in maintaining the integrity of data and systems used by the government and the public.

  5. Dinoor Susatijo – Head of Digital Vertical Ecosystem Government & Public Service.

    With extensive experience in digital ecosystems and public services, Dinoor Susatijo highlights how vertical technology integration can strengthen government services and improve the quality of life for citizens in smart cities.


The discussion was moderated by Erike Malonda (CEO of ASECH Indonesia) who managed to keep the discussion dynamic and in-depth, so that each speaker could convey their views and contributions effectively. Her role in ASECH Indonesia

illustrates how collaboration between government and the private sector is critical in realizing the vision of smart cities that use the latest technologies, including blockchain.

Key Points of Discussion:

This panel discussion emphasized the importance of implementing blockchain technology in public infrastructure and smart city development requires strong commitment, adequate infrastructure, and competent human resource (HR) development. These three elements, commitment, infrastructure, and HR are interrelated and equally important in ensuring the success of blockchain technology implementation, both in the public sector and smart city development. The absence of one of these elements can hamper the entire process and reduce the effectiveness of the adopted blockchain technology.

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